This Advent, we are reminded of that well-known text from the Gospel according to John, Chapter 3 verse 16: “For God so loved the world that God gave God’s only Son—that whosoever believed in Him should not perish but have everlasting Life.”
In Jesus Christ, we have the gift of God with us.
The Colorado Council of Churches desires to follow in the footsteps of the perfect Gift. We desire to live out God’s hope, peace, and justice in the state of Colorado, for the glory of God. Together, we make the vibrant Church visible.
Your gift to the Colorado Council of Churches makes possible that hope, unity, and peace throughout the state.
All year, we have relayed news of our work through newsletters and our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter posts. As we have raised awareness of how the Gospel dialogues with our world, you have joined us in prayer and in public witness. You have shared your stories with and through us. You have helped us make homelessness a public policy priority in our communities. You have joined hands with us in our advocacy and social justice efforts. You know the important work that lies before us all. A year-in-review summary of our work is included below.
This Advent, as we honor the precious Gift born from above who continues to work through his Body in the world, we invite you to consider the gifts you will give. With love for God’s good earth, and God’s children of many races and backgrounds, will you give to support the mission of the Colorado Council of Churches in this critical moment? You may donate online, or by sending a check to:
Colorado Council of Churches
1140 W. 5th Avenue
Denver, CO 80204
We cannot mobilize, make visible, or celebrate the extravagant love of God in our state without you!
In Christ,
P.S.: Please consider becoming a monthly donor. Monthly donors sustain our work throughout the year. Sign up on our website at!