
Our Values
We are committed to justice, compassion, and equity. Guided by faith, we advocate for affordable housing, accessible healthcare, environmental stewardship, and inclusivity. Our mission is to promote dignity and foster communities reflecting God’s love and justice.
Affordable Housing and Housing Justice
We support legislation and initiatives that will provide, build and create affordable housing, especially for low-income persons. In a just world, all people would have decent affordable and safe housing.
Education of Children
Well into the 21st Century, one in four of Colorado’s children lives in poverty and attends a school that is likely to be poorly funded, that is likely to marginalize children who are not of the dominant culture, and that may not be able to afford well-qualified teachers. Further, these schools, due to lack of funding are not able to provide a comprehensive educational program equipped to meet the changing needs of all the children who attend.
Health Care
The Christian Church is called to be an active participant in fashioning a just and effective health care system. Responding to those who were sick was integral to the life and ministry of Jesus and has been a central aspect of the Church’s mission throughout its history. Health care and healing are concrete manifestations of God’s ongoing care for and redemption of creation. Regardless of the means used to provide health care and ensure access to it, we must diligently preserve the nature of health care as a shared endeavor. This means that we recognize our mutual responsibilities and guard against the ways in which motivation to maximize profit and to market health care like a commodity jeopardizes health and the quality of health for all.
The Colorado Council of Churches wants comprehensive immigration reform that recognizes the humanity and value of everyone within our borders, whether they are here legally, or not. As Christians, the call to treat one another with hospitality and compassion is primary, especially when someone is a “stranger”:
- The story of the Good Samaritan;
- The question of who is my neighbor (the answer, everyone);
- What you do to the least of these, you do unto me;
- To treat your neighbor as yourself.
All of these scriptures entreat us to be especially kind to those who are different from “us.” The Council must stand on these values of hospitality, inclusion and compassion taught to us by Jesus Christ, especially in the context of the immigration issue as it faces our state and nation.
Criminal/Restorative Justice
In his ministry, Jesus advocated care for those who were in prison. His concern was not tempered by the cause of their incarceration. He encouraged the disciples to visit those imprisoned. As disciples of Christ, we respond to Jesus’ mandate by visiting those in prison and jails, by praying for those incarcerated, and by providing spiritual care services.
God is the creator and the redeemer of all creation, and humanity exists as a part of the complex web of ecological relationships that God has created. Humans, with our unique place in creation, are called to caring and responsible stewardship of the earth. As stewards, we are called to preserve and nurture the natural environment, and to be gentle and just in our use of the earth’s resources. Key principles for stewardship that we bring to the legislative arena are sustainability, ecological diversity, justice, and choice.
Economic life pervades our lives: the work we do, the income we receive, how much we consume and save, what we value, and how we view one another. An economy is meant to meet people’s material needs and the current market-based economy has done that to an amazing degree—for some people. Others have been affected adversely, to the point of lacking even what is needed for basic subsistence. The member denominations of the Colorado Council of Churches feel a moral imperative to seek a just, sufficient, sustainable livelihood for all.
In Luke 4:18-19 Jesus read from the Book of Isaiah, The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, To set a liberty those who are oppressed, To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. (Isaiah 61:1-2). It was both a manifesto and a mission statement. We believe that oppression is often the result of systemic and institutionalized racism.
Sexuality, Families and Abuse
Our Christian faith and traditions affirm that:
- Human sexuality, gender identity, and the need to be in relationship are gifts from God in our creation.
- We are called by our faith to invest ourselves in relationships that are based responsibly in love, mutuality, faithfulness, and creativity.
Therefore, the member denominations of the Colorado Council of Churches support legislation affirming that adults and children shall live their lives in households free from violence, fear, or abuse in any physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual aspects of their relationships.