Support this Worship Service!

Support the 2020 Easter Sunrise Service!

Here’s why we’re asking for your support. A lot of work and resources go into pulling off the Easter Sunrise Service, and we offer it to the public for free. To fund the event, we rely on donations collected the morning of the service, but we don’t always meet our goal. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to The Colorado Council of Churches that will be earmarked for the Easter Sunrise Service by March 15, 2016. You may do so online through our PayPal account or by mailing a check payable to the “Colorado Council of Churches” to: Adrian Miller, Executive Director, Colorado Council of Churches, 1140 W. 5th Avenue, Denver, CO 80204. Please write “Easter Sunrise Service” on the memo line so that your donation goes to the right place. Thank you in advance for blessing the Easter Sunrise Service at Red Rocks with a donation!


You may make an individual contribution in any of the following ways:

  1. Donate online through our PayPal account by clicking on the “Donate” button on the right side of this webpage.
  2. Mailing a check payable to the “Colorado Council of Churches” to: Adrian Miller, Executive Director, Colorado Council of Churches, 1140 W. 5th Avenue, Denver, CO 80204. Please write “Easter Sunrise Service” on the memo line so that your donation goes to the right place. Thank you in advance for blessing the Easter Sunrise Service at Red Rocks with a donation!
  3. Become a Stage Rock Level community sponsor ($200+), and you’ll get 2 reserved seats wherever you’d like to sit!

Corporations and Organizations

Please consider one of our sponsorships.

All donations are tax deductible