March 11, 2024
Now in its 77th year, the Colorado Council of Churches (“CCC”) is once again proud to host the annual Easter Sunrise Service in the dramatic and spectacular setting of the Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Morrison, Colorado. The Colorado Council of Churches is a statewide, ecumenical, and social justice organization that represents thirteen Christian denominations and over 800 churches across Colorado.
The Easter Sunrise Service will be held on Sunday, March 31, 2024. Musical worship begins at 5:30 A.M and the worship service begins at 6 A.M. Gates at Red Rocks will open at 4:45 A.M. This is an outdoor service — dress warmly! Please monitor weather broadcasts before heading to the venue in case the service is canceled due to inclement weather. Admittance and parking are free and available on a first-come basis. Canned good donations WILL NOT be collected this year.
Our preacher is Rev. Erin Gilmore, Acting Conference Minister for the Rocky Mountain Conference of the United Church of Christ. Additional worship leaders are Rev. Dr. Dee Cooper, Lead Presbyter and Rev. gretchen Sausville, Stated Clerk, both of the Presbytery of Denver. Our musical worship leaders are: Blood Brothers of Conifer Community Church, Ron McMillon of Colorado Christian Fellowship, and Father Michael J. Nicosia the CCC’s Board Chair and Associate Pastor of St. Paul Catholic Community of Faith in Denver.
For those who cannot attend in person, the worship service will be streamed online from the Colorado Council of Churches website (www.cochurches.org), Facebook Live and YouTube. Thus, people all over the world will be able to access the service and be spiritually inspired. We will also provide an ASL Interpreter and reserved seating for persons with disabilities.
The CCC’s social media profiles are: Facebook—Colorado Council of Churches fan page, Instagram–@cochurches, Twitter–@COCncilChurches, and the Event Hashtag is#RedRocksEaster
Thousands of people gather for this annual and joyful celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. For many of them, this is their only exposure to the Gospel. It takes considerable resources to do this free community event, and we primarily rely on donations to cover our costs. Please consider giving online at www.cochurches.org.
Adrian Miller, the CCC’s executive director, is available for interviews and press queries. Please contact Miller at st***@co********.org or 303-917-3864 (mobile phone).