For more than 70 years, our Easter Sunrise Service at Red Rocks has touched the lives of so many people.
We want to continue this tradition in the future, and that’s why were asking for your support. It costs us $30,000 to host this event, and make it free and accessible to everyone. We take up a collection at the service, but you can help us now!
No gift is too small but and all contributions offset many costs like using this magnificent venue, providing sound for our musicians, safety, printing, etc. A gift of just $10 would really help.
If you have been blessed by this service, now or in the past, we ask you to support us now with your generosity. That way, we can meet our costs for this year, and host again next year.
You may donate using this link, or you may mail a check to us at:
Easter Sunrise Service at Red Rocks, Colorado Council of Churches, 1140 W. 5th Avenue, Denver, CO 80204
Thank you for blessing us!