Magnificat of Light
by Michael J. Nicosia © 2006; based on Luke 1:46-55
My soul sings of God’s radiance;
my spirit dances in the presence of my Savior.
For the light of God’s promise
has penetrated the darkness of the world.
Generations have articulated this hope;
generations will continue to bask in its blessing.
By God’s splendor my countenance is lifted;
by God’s purifying light I am made holy.
Mercy shines on all who revere Her,
all who bow before the light of Her truth.
The intensity of its rays reveals all folly
and burns away our vanity.
Revealed is the misguiding influence of the mighty;
affirmed are the values of those who defer to others’ needs.
Clarifying the source of true empowerment
the lowly are raised while the powerful lose their hold.
God is active in the midst of the people,
channeling divine mercy through our compassion and care,
Preserving the light of God’s promise
from heart to heart to heart forever.