CCC Covenant

Our Covenant

Jesus prayed that “all might be one.”   Paul affirmed God’s reconciling love for all creation, and proclaimed that one part of the body cannot say to another part of the body, “I have no need of you.” Responding to those principles, we congregations and denominations unite to live out our common ministry through the Colorado Council of Churches.  As we come together, we seek to DO more together than any one of us can do separately as we speak to the needs of the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the imprisoned, the stranger and the sick.  Through our covenant relationship with one another and with God, we also seek to BE more richly faithful as individual and unique denominations and congregations.   In coming together, we covenant to be bound to one another worshiping with each other and praying for each other. We commit to join together in celebration, advocacy and action.


Our Goals

While acknowledging our differences in scriptural interpretations, theological understandings, doctrinal positions, beliefs and practices, we solemnly agree to respect each others’ unique convictions. We will make ourselves open to mutual dialogue, education and insight as we discern God’s will for the Body as one united and uniting fellowship.  We affirm that our unity is in Christ, not in our human agreement.

As we face the ever- changing landscape of the world and our society and seek to meet present and emerging needs, we pledge to:

• “do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with our God”;

• allow our multiple voices to be  expressed as we also seek to speak to one another and to the world with a unified voice, grounded in the Spirit of God;

• respond to the many and diverse voices we have heard who call out  for housing that is affordable, food that is nutritious, water that is clean, healthcare that is accessible, and to listen for and respond to the voices who have yet to speak or be heard;

• be a voice for the voiceless of future generations and of other species, and on their behalf to call for a just and sustainable society, with responsible stewardship of Earth’s resources;

• work to ensure that ALL humans, created in the image of God, are treated with dignity, mutual respect and full equality;

• Give witness of God’s unifying and inclusive love to a society that is divided and all too often exclusive.


Our Commitment

Therefore, we ________________ enter into a covenant relationship with our mutually covenanting bodies expressing ourselves as the Colorado Council of Churches. We realize that our covenant relationship must also include, but not be limited to:

• support financially our common ministry through the Colorado Council of Churches;

• participate intentionally and willingly whenever the larger body seeks to make a unified and common witness

• serve wholeheartedly in specific ministries when called upon.


We, the undersigned, do solemnly agree to live out this covenant in faithful witness and action through the Colorado Council of Churches.