Christian Leaders in Colorado Voice Strong Opposition to Trump Immigration Policies, Urge Reform

Christian Leaders in Colorado Voice Strong Opposition to Trump Immigration Policies, Urge Reform

As Christians committed to the principles of love, justice, and compassion, we unite in our opposition to the harmful immigration policies enacted by the Trump Administration. Our faith calls us to care for the stranger, to welcome the vulnerable, and to see the face of Christ in every person—regardless of their nationality, legal status, or background. The actions taken under this administration stand in direct contradiction to these Biblical values. The Gospel teaches us to love our neighbors as ourselves (Mark 12:31), and that “I was a stranger and you welcomed me” (Matthew 25:35). Yet, the policies of this administration have already led to the suffering and trauma of countless families who seek safety, opportunity, and a better life in this country.  

We recognize that there are legitimate civil concerns about undocumented immigration. We also acknowledge that law enforcement must address the rare criminal situation when called upon by our leaders. Yet, most immigrants are nonviolent and are in this country seeking a chance for a better life.

Our immigration system is broken, and our political leaders have done a disservice to our country by not fixing it long ago. It takes far too long for immigrants to legally become citizens which creates a tremendous incentive to cross the border illegally. We believe that immigration is not merely a political issue, but a moral imperative. The refusal to offer asylum or refuge to those fleeing violence and oppression violates the dignity of the human beings and betrays our call to be a nation that welcomes the weary and oppressed. Returning these immigrants to the countries they fled is tantamount to a death sentence.

We urge all people of faith and good will to call for an end to these unjust policies and to work for a more efficient, just and compassionate immigration system—one that upholds the rights of all people, values the contributions of immigrants, and reflects the love and mercy that Christ has shown us. We are in solidarity with our immigrant siblings and call for a future where all people are treated with dignity, respect, and love.

May we all work toward a society that reflects God’s kin-dom—where justice, mercy, and peace prevail for all people, regardless of their immigration status.


The Colorado Council of Churches

Also individually:

Rev. Dee Cooper, Lead Presbyter, Presbytery of Denver

Rev. Erin Gilmore, Transitional Conference Minister, Rocky Mountain Conference, United Church of Christ

Rev. Anthony C. Hill, Presiding Elder, Kansas District, Christian Methodist Episcopal Church 

The Right Reverend Kym Lucas, Bishop of the Episcopal Church in Colorado

Bishop Kae Madden, Rocky Mountain Region of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion

Rev. gretchen Sausville, Stated Clerk, Presbytery of Denver

Bishop Kristin G. Stoneking, Mountain Sky Conference of the United Methodist Church

Rev. Dr. Steve Van Ostran, Executive Regional Minister, American Baptist Churches of the Rocky Mountains