Host a “Bless the Election Workers” Service at Your Church on November 3rd!

Images: “20201026-We-Love-Election-Workers-MN-01” by Multnomah County Communications is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0; “great mid-cut shot of an elections worker cutting the VVPAT ballots off of a roll” by joebeone is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Do you have election workers in your congregation? Have you asked an election worker how they are doing these days? Have you asked an election worker what you can do to support them?

Let’s take some time out before Election Day to let election workers know that we know we value them and what they do. The Colorado Council of Churches invites you take some time on Sunday, November 3rd to “Bless the Election Workers” during your worship service. We’ve provided a template as a foundation for what you might do that Sunday. Use in whole, or in part, and tailor the language to what you think works best for your congregation. Thank you for taking the time to affirm people who play an important role in our communities!

If you use any of this material, please credit us by using language like “Courtesy of (Adapted from) the Colorado Council of Churches.”

Blessings, Adrian Miller, Executive Director, Colorado Council of Churches

Template for a Service to Bless Election Workers


Election workers are an essential and nonpartisan part of our democratic republic. Without them, our political system cannot function, and citizens will not have the opportunity to shape their government and elect leaders who reflect their values. Recently, election workers have increasingly been subject to suspicion, threats, and violence towards them and their loved ones. We gather at this time to show our appreciation and bless these election workers as they do their civic duty during this election cycle. We pray for their comfort and safety.


Suggested songs:

They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love

We are Many, We are One


Psalm 23


Gracious God,

We come before You with gratitude for the privilege of participating in the democratic process. We ask for Your guidance and protection for all those involved in the elections—workers, volunteers, and officials.

Grant them wisdom to perform their duties with fairness and integrity. Shield them from harm and any form of intimidation or deceit. Inspire them to work diligently and with a spirit of service, so that the election process remains transparent and just.

May Your peace, which surpasses all understanding, guard their hearts and minds, and may the election process reflect Your will for justice and harmony in our community.

As we ask for prayers and blessings upon those who are actively participating in the election process, let our requests be a reminder for us as well that we are abundantly blessed to live in a country where we can vote.  As followers of Jesus, we are called to be the ones who will be known by our love of neighbors, community, and You.

We place our trust in You and ask for Your blessings upon this important process.

In Your Holy name we pray,



At this time, election workers will be asked to come forward to the altar. Election workers will be asked for their prayer requests. After hearing the prayer requests, clergy and laity will stretch out their hands toward them and pray:

“Bless, O Lord, this (these) election worker(s), and fill our hearts with thanksgiving for what they do to aid the functioning of the voting process and our democratic republic. Keep them and their loved ones from danger and harm.”


Suggested songs:

Bind Us Together

What a Fellowship


We end this service with the words of the Psalmist: “The LORD will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”

Psalm 121:7-8